A menos de cinco meses do início das Olimpíadas de 2016, que serão realizadas no Rio de Janeiro, uma arena que receberá competições de três modalidades durante os Jogos virou motivo de crise. As espanholas Gemma Mengual e Ona Carbonell, ambas medalhistas olímpicas, reclamaram de sujeira e criticaram a estrutura que encontraram no Parque Aquático Maria Lenk para o evento-teste do nado sincronizado, que começou no dia 2 de março e vai até o dia 6. Com isso, escancararam o quanto o equipamento se transformou em problema para a Rio-2016.
“Nós falamos sobre isso ontem [quarta-feira] e nada mudou desde então. Os vestiários estão sujos, assim como o fundo da piscina”, avaliou Ona, 25, medalhista de prata no dueto dos Jogos de Londres-2012. “O piso na área de competição está um pouco escorregadio”, completou Gemma, 38, dona de duas de Pequim-2008 (dueto e equipes).
As espanholas treinam juntas desde 2015 e conquistaram o ouro no dueto do evento-teste do nado sincronizado para a Rio-2016 e já estão classificadas para os Jogos. A despeito das críticas, ambas elogiaram a estrutura do Maria Lenk. “É uma piscina boa, de primeiro nível, com tudo que precisamos”, disse Ona.
Segundo o Comitê Organizador Rio-2016, a responsabilidade sobre o Maria Lenk no evento-teste é da CBDA (Confederação Brasileira de Desportos Aquáticos) e da Fina (Federação Internacional de Natação), que são as organizadoras da competição – o torneio serve como classificatório para os Jogos.
“É um evento-teste. A gente fez com alguma dificuldade de orçamento, mas para os Jogos essas questões vão ser repensadas”, disse Ricardo Prado, ex-nadador e gerente-geral de esportes aquáticos da Rio-2016.
No entanto, alguns dos pontos levantados por elas são problemáticos além do evento-teste. O principal deles é o piso da área de competição: não há orçamento ou prazo para troca dos azulejos, e o espaço será apenas coberto por uma espécie de carpete para os Jogos.
Construído para os Jogos Pan-Americanos de 2007, o Maria Lenk custou R$ 85 milhões e foi cedido ao COB (Comitê Olímpico do Brasil) no ano seguinte. Em 2014, foi fechado para uma reforma que custou R$ 21,4 milhões aos cofres municipais.
A intervenção teve como principais focos a área de aquecimento seco e a piscina de treinamento, que foi inteiramente reformada. Contudo, isso não encerrou os problemas do aparato para os Jogos Olímpicos.
Como o Júlio Delamare, que originalmente seria palco do polo aquático, foi excluído da lista de instalações olímpicas, o Maria Lenk teve de acomodar a primeira fase da modalidade – o espaço já receberia saltos ornamentais e nado sincronizado.
Na negociação para que o Maria Lenk tivesse os três esportes, a Fina exigiu uma segunda piscina de aquecimento para o polo aquático. Como não havia orçamento para isso, os responsáveis pelos Jogos aproveitaram um tanque que seria instalado no Parque dos Atletas. Ainda não há licitação ou prazo para instalação do aparato temporário – toda a operação de compra, montagem e desmontagem de três piscinas para o local custará algo entre R$ 23 milhões e R$ 24 milhões.

Olympic medalists criticize dirt and expose chaos in Rio-2016 arena
Within five months of the start of the 2016 Olympics, to be held in Rio de Janeiro, an arena that receive competitions three disciplines during the Games turned crisis reason. The Spanish Gemma Mengual and Ona Carbonell, both Olympic medalists, complained of dirt and criticized the structure found in the Maria Lenk Aquatic Park for the synchronized swimming test event, which began on March 2 and runs until 6. With this, burst open as the equipment became a problem for the Rio-2016.
"We talked about this yesterday [Wednesday] and nothing has changed since then. The changing rooms are dirty, as well as the bottom of the pool, "said Ona, 25, silver medalist in duet of London 2012 Games. "The floor in the area is a bit slippery," added Gemma, 38, owner of two Beijing 2008 (duet and team).
The Spanish train together since 2015 and won gold in the synchronized swimming duet event test for Rio-2016 and are already qualified for the Games. Despite the criticism, both praised the structure of the Maria Lenk. "It's a good pool of first level, with everything we need," Ona said.
According to the Rio 2016 Organizing Committee, the responsibility for the Maria Lenk in the test event is the CBDA (Brazilian Aquatic Sports Confederation) and FINA (International Swimming Federation), who are the organizers of the competition - the tournament serves as qualifying for the Games.
"It is a test event. We made some difficult budget but for the Games these issues will be rethought, "said Ricardo Prado, former swimmer and general manager for water sports Rio-2016.
However, some of the points raised by them are problematic beyond the test event. The main one is the floor of the competition area: no budget or deadline for return of the tiles, and the space will be covered only by a kind of carpet for the Games.
Built for the Pan American Games in 2007, the Maria Lenk cost R $ 85 million and was assigned to the COB (Brazil Olympic Committee) the following year. In 2014 it was closed for a renovation that cost R $ 21.4 million to municipal coffers.
The intervention had as main focuses dry heating area and the pool training, which was entirely renovated. However, this did not end the apparatus of the problems for the Olympic Games.
As Julio Delamare, which originally would stage water polo was excluded from the list of Olympic facilities, the Maria Lenk had to accommodate the first phase of the sport - the space already receive diving and synchronized swimming.
In negotiating for the Maria Lenk had three sports, Fina required a second pool heating for water polo. As there was no budget for it, those responsible for the Games took a tank that would be installed in the Athletes Park. No bidding or deadline for installation of temporary apparatus - the entire purchase transaction, assembly and disassembly of three pools for the site will cost something between R $ 23 million and R $ 24 million
Within five months of the start of the 2016 Olympics, to be held in Rio de Janeiro, an arena that receive competitions three disciplines during the Games turned crisis reason. The Spanish Gemma Mengual and Ona Carbonell, both Olympic medalists, complained of dirt and criticized the structure found in the Maria Lenk Aquatic Park for the synchronized swimming test event, which began on March 2 and runs until 6. With this, burst open as the equipment became a problem for the Rio-2016.
"We talked about this yesterday [Wednesday] and nothing has changed since then. The changing rooms are dirty, as well as the bottom of the pool, "said Ona, 25, silver medalist in duet of London 2012 Games. "The floor in the area is a bit slippery," added Gemma, 38, owner of two Beijing 2008 (duet and team).
The Spanish train together since 2015 and won gold in the synchronized swimming duet event test for Rio-2016 and are already qualified for the Games. Despite the criticism, both praised the structure of the Maria Lenk. "It's a good pool of first level, with everything we need," Ona said.
According to the Rio 2016 Organizing Committee, the responsibility for the Maria Lenk in the test event is the CBDA (Brazilian Aquatic Sports Confederation) and FINA (International Swimming Federation), who are the organizers of the competition - the tournament serves as qualifying for the Games.
"It is a test event. We made some difficult budget but for the Games these issues will be rethought, "said Ricardo Prado, former swimmer and general manager for water sports Rio-2016.
However, some of the points raised by them are problematic beyond the test event. The main one is the floor of the competition area: no budget or deadline for return of the tiles, and the space will be covered only by a kind of carpet for the Games.
Built for the Pan American Games in 2007, the Maria Lenk cost R $ 85 million and was assigned to the COB (Brazil Olympic Committee) the following year. In 2014 it was closed for a renovation that cost R $ 21.4 million to municipal coffers.
The intervention had as main focuses dry heating area and the pool training, which was entirely renovated. However, this did not end the apparatus of the problems for the Olympic Games.
As Julio Delamare, which originally would stage water polo was excluded from the list of Olympic facilities, the Maria Lenk had to accommodate the first phase of the sport - the space already receive diving and synchronized swimming.
In negotiating for the Maria Lenk had three sports, Fina required a second pool heating for water polo. As there was no budget for it, those responsible for the Games took a tank that would be installed in the Athletes Park. No bidding or deadline for installation of temporary apparatus - the entire purchase transaction, assembly and disassembly of three pools for the site will cost something between R $ 23 million and R $ 24 million
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