quinta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2015


1) I would like you to talk a little about the korfebol in Brazil. How and when officially arrived in our country and the level of acceptance of people.

Well I met Korfebol in 1998 at the University Castelo Branco in Rio de Janeiro, as a student of physical education, learned the sport in ways tailored to unofficial material, what caught my attention was the joint obligation, and not be a fun sport violent. I got interested and started researching, reaching up to the International Federation of Korfebol, which at the time was following a different philosophy, people who were there were more love and followed the philosophy of its creator Nico Broekhysen currently NOT WHAT'S HAPPENING, the entity aims to be at the Olympic games, the rules were changed, the Korfebol they turned to performance sport and that after 13 years of long work resolved to found the ABRAKO - Brazilian Association Korfebol, ie the NEW BRAZILIAN KORFEBOL. This disaffiliation was because of some dissident students and never compactuaram with our philosophy of educational sport, where all are welcome, as the elderly, disabled, excluded, sedentary, obese, have created a federation proclaiming himself "BRAZILIAN SELECTION "with support of the international entity, which ended up being a real" turn table ".

The most impressive was the unethical behavior of students and the international body governing the "Korfball / Korfball", with that, we are introducing new rules and transforming KORFEBOL WITH "K" IN BRAZILIAN SPORT, adapting the game the Brazilian reality and without the worry of expressing "athletes". Our goal is to make KORFEBOL NEW BRAZILIAN be a game where everyone has the ability to participate on equal terms.

The acceptance by all was always great can do all the people like the sport, social projects, schools, universities and even in prisons.

2) Basically, as are the rules? Talk about the issue of balls, baskets and clothing worn by athletes.

Well we are changing the rules of Korfebol both now we will call it NEW BRAZILIAN KORFEBOL, which for the "dissidents" and the International Federation is the total degradation of the sport, so they call or Korfball Korfball, or is, to use the letter "C" because they want the support of the Portuguese Federation supported the "turn table," We at ABRAKO (Brazilian Korfebol Association), we are adapting various rules but KORFEBOL NEW BRAZILIAN ADOPT THE FOLLOWING RULES:

2 - NO PROGRESS WITH BALL (total freedom of movement without the ball) which requires to make collaborative and cooperative play 100%
3 - TEAMS MIXED but we have teams of men and women
4 - HEIGHT OF BASKETS - Several heights for everyone to have the same rights

3) Here in Petropolis, you usually give lectures on the korfebol the CPU and Estacio de Sa University. How do you see the sport today here in town? Leandro Azevedo said you were the one responsible for bringing the sport here. As this exchange?

The Korfebol in Petropolis has been started in 2010, I worked in the College of Our Lady of Lourdes, we conducted several lectures in the CPU and Estacio Petropolis always with support of the coordinators Fabiana Scartoni and Luiz Michelotti, importantly gratitude to these two professionals . We were also performing demonstrations at Av Koeler recreation area, Itaipava Park, Liberty Square and Sesi Petropolis, including managed to take the star of the International Basketball Baby NBA player, national team and Flamengo, who knew the city and threw Korfebol, including with support of the entire Petropolitan media, newspapers and television.

We know the teacher Leandro Azevedo in one of the courses in the University Estacio de Sa, and we could see their commitment to the profession, their desire to be part of Korfebol family and quickly began the sport in its beautiful design in Araras, ie the Brazilian KORFEBOL WITH "K" won a great ally.

Professor Leandro has worked with great success in several social projects in always helping travel to Sao Paulo, visits to Rio de Janeiro strengthening ABRAKO in their projects, a great friend and ally.

4) Do you believe in sport growing and Petropolis in Brazil, even with football having absolute control and other sports such as basketball and volleyball also are relatively popular?

Brazil needs to expand its repertoire of sports, games and activities, said alternative sports must come together to reduce this space that belongs to the football, nothing against the sport but who does not like football and should have the right to experience new sports. The Rio de Janeiro in general has great resistance to the "New" getting stuck to the famous "G4" I began to realize that in all Brazilian states, there are different sports sports "carioca" culture. Our goal is to transform the KORFEBOL NEW BRAZILIAN IN differentiated Sport Rio de Janeiro and then popularize the sport in Brazil. For this we need the support of physical education teachers who identify with our philosophy of inclusion.