Amir Somoggi
É administrador de empresas formado pela ESPM, especializado em gestão esportiva pela FGV e pós-graduado em marketing esportivo pela Universidade de Barcelona. Mais de 19 anos de experiência na área de marketing, sendo os últimos 15 anos totalmente dedicados a projetos de consultoria em marketing, gestão e planejamento estratégico para clubes, patrocinadores e investidores do esporte. Foi responsável na última década em estudar e avaliar o mercado brasileiro de clubes de futebol com a produção de centenas de estudos sobre as finanças e o marketing dos clubes brasileiros e internacionais.
Os Jogos Olímpicos do Rio de Janeiro mesmo com todas as dúvidas e problemas, produziram um efeito que nem todos imaginavam, o resgate da autoestima dos brasileiros. A cerimônia de abertura, muito elogiada em todo o mundo, mostrou a cultura brasileira e carioca com beleza e criatividade.
O efeito foi avassalador. Esse orgulho de ser brasileiro ficou muito claro nos dias que sucederam a abertura e não apenas no Rio, mas em outras cidades do Brasil. Esse sentimento de orgulho e felicidade da população é um dos principais legados dos megaeventos. Até mais do que a infraestrutura urbana.
Na Copa de 2006 na Alemanha muitos foram os impactos positivos do evento. O futebol alemão cresceu, o turismo se impulsionou e houve uma melhora em infraestrutura, especialmente na antiga Alemanha Oriental.
Contudo, o maior dos legados do evento foi o resgate da população alemã em empunhar sua bandeira e torcer pela seleção. Todos os estudos da época citam esse como o maior legado da Copa para o país.

A realização das Olimpíadas no Brasil, depois de uma Copa do Mundo gerou e ainda gera enormes preocupações sobre o volume de dinheiro investido. Qualquer imagem aérea do parque olímpico mostra que o Brasil terá que mudar muito sua política nacional de esporte para viabilizar tudo isso.
Para muitos, os custos da Rio 2016 já superam R$ 40 bilhões. Uma parte, será legado infraestrutural e de mobilidade para os moradores da cidade e que pode sem dúvida contribuir com a melhora da qualidade de vida da população.
Agora o ganho intangível que os megaeventos podem causar na autoestima e sensação de felicidade da população é uma realidade. Os Jogos do Rio conseguiram isso, a cerimônia de abertura conseguiu mexer com os brasileiros e gerar um sentimento positivo para todo o país.
Por outro lado, as filas, comida e bebida cara, a falta de comida e problemas com criminalidade e mobilidade são a nossa realidade até o momento.
Mas em termos mercadológicos está claro que a autoestima dos brasileiros melhorou com o evento.

Menos vaias, mais aplausos
Estou bastante incomodado com a falta de respeito e espírito olímpico dos torcedores nas arenas olímpicas. O excesso de vaias aos atletas de diferentes nacionalidades mostra como somos mal-educados. Nós brasileiros somos os anfitriões do evento e vaiar um atleta em uma Olimpíada ao invés de aplaudir seu esforço é péssimo. Por isso mais aplausos e menos vaiais nas arenas, por favor.
Rafaela Silva, o ídolo que precisamos
A medalha de ouro da judoca Rafaela Silva emocionou o Brasil. Rafa com seu ouro, sua trajetória e explosão de emoção com a vitória, é o ídolo que precisamos. De origem muito humilde, conseguiu graças ao trabalho da ONG Instituto Reação alcançar o topo do esporte, depois de ser eliminada nos Jogos de Londres 2012 e sofrer inúmeras ofensas, inclusive com atos racistas. Sofreu muito, mas com sua determinação e concentração deu a volta por cima e presenteou o Brasil com nossa primeira medalha de ouro e tamanha emoção. Um ídolo de verdade!
Marta, em seu devido lugar
Amir Somoggi
It is a business administrator graduated from ESPM, specializing in sports management from FGV and a graduate degree in sports marketing from the University of Barcelona. Over 19 years of experience in marketing, with the last 15 years fully dedicated to consulting projects in marketing, management and strategic planning for clubs, sponsors and investors of the sport. He was responsible in the last decade to study and evaluate the Brazilian market for football clubs with the production of hundreds of studies on finance and marketing of Brazilian and international clubs.
The Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro even with all the questions and problems, produced an effect that not everyone thought the rescue of self-esteem of Brazilians. The opening ceremony, highly praised worldwide, showed the Brazilian culture and Rio with beauty and creativity.
The effect was overwhelming. This pride in being Brazilian became very clear in the days following the opening, not only in Rio, but in other cities of Brazil. This sense of pride and happiness of the population is a major legacy of mega-events. Even more than the urban infrastructure.
In the 2006 World Cup in Germany were many positive impacts of the event. German football has grown, tourism is boosted and there was an improvement in infrastructure, especially in the former East Germany.
However, most of the event's legacy was the rescue of the German population in wielding its flag to cheer selection. All studies of the time cite this as the greatest legacy of the World Cup for the country.
The holding of the Olympics in Brazil after the World Cup has generated and still generates huge concerns about the amount of money invested. Any aerial image of the Olympic Park shows that Brazil will have to change much your sport national policy to enable all this.
For many, the cost of 2016 have already surpassed R $ 40 billion. One part will be legacy infrastructural and mobility for residents of the city and can certainly contribute to the improvement of people's quality of life.
Now the intangible gains that mega-events can cause self-esteem and sense of happiness of the population is a reality. The Rio Games achieved this, the opening ceremony could tinker with the Brazilian and generate a positive feeling for the whole country.
On the other hand, the queues, food and drink expensive, lack of food and problems with crime and mobility are our reality so far.
But in marketing terms it is clear that the self-esteem of Brazilians has improved with the event.
Less boos, cheers more
I'm very uncomfortable with the lack of respect and the Olympic spirit of the fans in the Olympic arenas. Excess boos athletes from different countries shows how we are rude. We Brazilians are the hosts of the event and booing an athlete in the Olympics rather than applaud his effort is lousy. So more applause and less vaiais in arenas, please.
Rafaela Silva, the idol we need
The gold medal judoka Rafaela Silva moved Brazil. Rafa with his gold, his trajectory and burst of excitement with the win, is the idol we need. From very humble beginnings, he succeeded thanks to the work of the Reaction Institute NGO reach the top of the sport after being eliminated in the London 2012 Games and suffer numerous offenses, including racist acts. He suffered a lot, but with his determination and concentration gave back over and presented Brazil with our first gold medal and such emotion. A real idol!
Marta, in their place
It is a business administrator graduated from ESPM, specializing in sports management from FGV and a graduate degree in sports marketing from the University of Barcelona. Over 19 years of experience in marketing, with the last 15 years fully dedicated to consulting projects in marketing, management and strategic planning for clubs, sponsors and investors of the sport. He was responsible in the last decade to study and evaluate the Brazilian market for football clubs with the production of hundreds of studies on finance and marketing of Brazilian and international clubs.
The Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro even with all the questions and problems, produced an effect that not everyone thought the rescue of self-esteem of Brazilians. The opening ceremony, highly praised worldwide, showed the Brazilian culture and Rio with beauty and creativity.
The effect was overwhelming. This pride in being Brazilian became very clear in the days following the opening, not only in Rio, but in other cities of Brazil. This sense of pride and happiness of the population is a major legacy of mega-events. Even more than the urban infrastructure.
In the 2006 World Cup in Germany were many positive impacts of the event. German football has grown, tourism is boosted and there was an improvement in infrastructure, especially in the former East Germany.
However, most of the event's legacy was the rescue of the German population in wielding its flag to cheer selection. All studies of the time cite this as the greatest legacy of the World Cup for the country.
The holding of the Olympics in Brazil after the World Cup has generated and still generates huge concerns about the amount of money invested. Any aerial image of the Olympic Park shows that Brazil will have to change much your sport national policy to enable all this.
For many, the cost of 2016 have already surpassed R $ 40 billion. One part will be legacy infrastructural and mobility for residents of the city and can certainly contribute to the improvement of people's quality of life.
Now the intangible gains that mega-events can cause self-esteem and sense of happiness of the population is a reality. The Rio Games achieved this, the opening ceremony could tinker with the Brazilian and generate a positive feeling for the whole country.
On the other hand, the queues, food and drink expensive, lack of food and problems with crime and mobility are our reality so far.
But in marketing terms it is clear that the self-esteem of Brazilians has improved with the event.
Less boos, cheers more
I'm very uncomfortable with the lack of respect and the Olympic spirit of the fans in the Olympic arenas. Excess boos athletes from different countries shows how we are rude. We Brazilians are the hosts of the event and booing an athlete in the Olympics rather than applaud his effort is lousy. So more applause and less vaiais in arenas, please.
Rafaela Silva, the idol we need
The gold medal judoka Rafaela Silva moved Brazil. Rafa with his gold, his trajectory and burst of excitement with the win, is the idol we need. From very humble beginnings, he succeeded thanks to the work of the Reaction Institute NGO reach the top of the sport after being eliminated in the London 2012 Games and suffer numerous offenses, including racist acts. He suffered a lot, but with his determination and concentration gave back over and presented Brazil with our first gold medal and such emotion. A real idol!
Marta, in their place