terça-feira, 9 de agosto de 2016


Amigos e Amigas do Korfebol brasileiro

Nesta terça feira dia 09/08/2016, o blog do Korfebol brasileiro www.korfeblog.blogspot.com recebeu mais de 90.000 mil visitas, e agora estamos rumo as 100 mil visitas, tendo visitantes de todo o mundo, principalmente dos Eua, Alemanha, Rússia, Portugal, Ucrânia, França, Índia e Holanda, nos enche de contentamento.

Sou profundamente grato a todos que visitam o blog e nossa fã page que também chegou a marca de 1500 curtidas essa semana. – principalmente aos que amam nosso trabalho, mas sem deixar de estender um olhar compreensivo aos que não gostam e nos visitam por “curiosidade” (LOL)

Quando digo que fazemos esse trabalho em conjunto eu e os que gostam do nosso trabalho, não é mera retórica laudatória, não. É fato. Palavras sem leitores, como naquela música e KORFEBOL


Obrigado a todos

Congratulations to Real Brazilian Korfebol
that who has works to massificate the sport first one,
that of the "little ants work" one;
that who character is more important than any championship,
that who league has no Team A vs. B,
that who hasn´t intolerant cylindrical shaft people,
that without monkey business or dirt trick and machinations with the foreigners,
the from whole country and not from of a small group of coup d'etat (of Korfball) friends!
The real one!

Friends on the Brazilian korfball

On this day Tuesday 08/09/2016, the blog of the Brazilian Korfebol  www.korfeblog.blogspot.com received over 90 million visits, and we are now heading the 100 000 visits, with visitors from around the world, especially the USA, Germany , Russia, Portugal, Ukraine, France, India and the Netherlands, fills us with joy.

I am deeply grateful to all who visit the blog and our fan page has also reached 1500 Tanned mark this week. - Especially those who love our work, but while extending a knowing look to those who do not like and visit us for "curiosity" (LOL)
When I say we do it together I and those like our work, is not mere laudatory rhetoric, no. It's fact. Words without players like that song and KORFEBOL Brazilian WITHOUT BALL

Best Reggards

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