Mal abriram-se as portas da Vila Olímpica para os atletas, neste domingo, para surgirem as primeiras críticas sobre as condições do local. O Comitê Olímpico Australiano emitiu uma nota afirmando que a vila, que fica no Recreio, Zona Oeste do Rio, está “inabitável”, com problemas hidráulicos, elétricos e também nas instalações de gás encanado.
No comunicado, o AOC, sigla em inglês do comitê, afirma que os atletas australianos podem ser obrigados a ficar em hotéis devido aos problemas. “Um dia antes da chegada dos primeiros atletas do país ao Brasil, a vila está infestada de problemas, incluindo vazamentos, sanitários e chuveiros bloqueados, e inundações”.
O Comitê afirma que o comitê organizador dos Jogos escalou centenas de trabalhadores para corrigir os problemas, mas diz que não tem certeza se o local terá condições de ser habitado pelos atletas. De acordo com o AOC, atletas australianos de boxe e canoagem já chegarão ao Rio nesta segunda-feira.
Leia mais: http://extra.globo.com/noticias/rio/comite-olimpico-australiano-encontra-pessimas-condicoes-em-quartos-diz-que-vila-dos-atletas-esta-inabitavel-19775667.html#ixzz4FLCMoeTf
Delegação australiana ficará em hotéis por causa dos problemas na Vila dos Atletas
O comitê australiano alegou que encontrou problemas nas redes de gás e eletricidade e não considerou o local seguro.
Neste domingo, dia em que a Vila dos Atletas é aberta para a chegada dos competidores que vão disputar a Olimpíada, os atletas da Austrália que vão participar da Olimpíada anunciaram que não ficarão hospedados no local, como era previsto, por causa de problemas estruturais.
Os australianos listam problemas como sanitários entupidos, vazamento de tubulações, fiação exposta, escadas escuras, sem iluminação suficiente, e pisos sujos.
Ainda segundo o comitê, ontem à noite foi realizado um “teste de estresse”, em que torneiras e banheiros foram ativados simultaneamente em apartamentos de vários andares para ver se o prédio suportaria. Mas o sistema falhou. A água desceu pelas paredes, houve um forte cheiro de gás em alguns apartamentos e até um curto-circuito na fiação elétrica.
De acordo com os australianos, a equipe da Nova Zelândia também enfrentou os mesmos problemas. Os responsáveis pela Vila dos Atletas ainda não se pronunciaram.
A VIla dos Atletas conta com 17 prédios de 31 andares. São 3.604 apartamentos que vão receber 17.950 atletas.

We have no conditions to hold such an event in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro is bankrupt, strike, hospitals in crisis, people Olympic Games in Brazil - A sad realidademorrendo and the government trying to disguise "our sad reality
Mal opened the doors of the Olympic Village for athletes on Sunday to arise early reviews on local conditions. The Australian Olympic Committee issued a statement saying that the village, which is in the Recreation, West Zone of Rio, is "uninhabitable" with hydraulic problems, electrical and also in pipeline gas facilities.
In the statement, the AOC, English acronym of the committee, said that Australian athletes may be required to stay in hotels because of the problems. "A day before the arrival of the first athletes in the country to Brazil, the village is plagued by problems, including leaks, blocked toilets and showers, and floods."
The Committee states that the organizing committee of the Games climbed hundreds of workers to fix the problems, but says he is not sure if the site will be able to be inhabited by the athletes. According to the AOC, Australian athletes boxing and canoeing have come to Rio on Monday.
Read more: http://extra.globo.com/noticias/rio/comite-olimpico-australiano-encontra-pessimas-condicoes-em-quartos-diz-que-vila-dos-atletas-esta-inabitavel-19775667.html#ixzz4FLCMoeTf
Australian delegation will stay in hotels because of the problems in the village of Athletes
The Australian committee claimed that encountered problems in the gas and electricity and not considered safe.
On Sunday, the day that the Village of Athletes is open to the arrival of competitors who will compete in the Olympics, athletes from Australia who will participate in the Olympic Games announced that will not be hosted on the site, as planned, because of structural problems.
Australian list problems like clogged toilets, leaking pipes, exposed wiring, dark stairs without sufficient lighting, and dirty floors.
Also according to the committee, last night it conducted a "stress test", where taps and toilets were simultaneously activated in apartment several floors to see if the building stand. But the system failed. The water ran down the walls, there was a strong smell of gas in some apartments and even a short circuit in electrical wiring.
According to the Australian, the New Zealand team also faced the same problems. Those responsible for the Athletes Village have not yet voted.
The Athletes VIla has 17 buildings of 31 floors. Are 3,604 apartments that will receive 17,950 athletes.
Mal opened the doors of the Olympic Village for athletes on Sunday to arise early reviews on local conditions. The Australian Olympic Committee issued a statement saying that the village, which is in the Recreation, West Zone of Rio, is "uninhabitable" with hydraulic problems, electrical and also in pipeline gas facilities.
In the statement, the AOC, English acronym of the committee, said that Australian athletes may be required to stay in hotels because of the problems. "A day before the arrival of the first athletes in the country to Brazil, the village is plagued by problems, including leaks, blocked toilets and showers, and floods."
The Committee states that the organizing committee of the Games climbed hundreds of workers to fix the problems, but says he is not sure if the site will be able to be inhabited by the athletes. According to the AOC, Australian athletes boxing and canoeing have come to Rio on Monday.
Read more: http://extra.globo.com/noticias/rio/comite-olimpico-australiano-encontra-pessimas-condicoes-em-quartos-diz-que-vila-dos-atletas-esta-inabitavel-19775667.html#ixzz4FLCMoeTf
Australian delegation will stay in hotels because of the problems in the village of Athletes
The Australian committee claimed that encountered problems in the gas and electricity and not considered safe.
On Sunday, the day that the Village of Athletes is open to the arrival of competitors who will compete in the Olympics, athletes from Australia who will participate in the Olympic Games announced that will not be hosted on the site, as planned, because of structural problems.
Australian list problems like clogged toilets, leaking pipes, exposed wiring, dark stairs without sufficient lighting, and dirty floors.
Also according to the committee, last night it conducted a "stress test", where taps and toilets were simultaneously activated in apartment several floors to see if the building stand. But the system failed. The water ran down the walls, there was a strong smell of gas in some apartments and even a short circuit in electrical wiring.
According to the Australian, the New Zealand team also faced the same problems. Those responsible for the Athletes Village have not yet voted.
The Athletes VIla has 17 buildings of 31 floors. Are 3,604 apartments that will receive 17,950 athletes.
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