In 2012, Professor Marcelo Soares, better known as "Marcelo Korfebol" met the leader and vocalist of the Norwegian band a-ha - Morten Harket
The Brazilian Korfebol congratulates the Norwegian band a-ha and the hydro miner in carrying out social projects, involving schools, education and preservation of the environment.
In 2012, Professor Marcelo Soares, better known as "Marcelo Korfebol" met the leader and vocalist of the Norwegian band a-ha - Morten Harket.
Hydro won the national Aberje Award for Integrated Communication for the actions involving the first-ever Norwegian band a-ha to the state of Pará. Awarded by the Brazilian Business Communication Association (Aberje), the award has been held for more than 40 years and recognizes Best practices of Brazilian business communication.
Held in October 2015, the initiatives awarded by Aberje united two a-ha shows in the municipalities of Barcarena and Paragominas - where Hydro has units -, the distribution in several cities of school kits collected in exchange for tickets, an artistic project And the planting of seedlings in Hydro's reforestation area in the city of Paragominas. "These activities are part of a long-term strategy to strengthen enthusiasm and pride internally, while raising awareness and understanding about Hydro, our activities and the long-term commitment to Para," says Inger Sethov , Executive vice president of Communication and Government Relations.
The partnership with the musicians was part of Hydro's global actions, celebrating a historic turning point in 2015 with the company's 110 years, the 30th anniversary of the Albras aluminum company and the 20 years of the Hydro Alunorte refinery, both of which are based in the state of Pará. The company's positioning and identification with the band justify the choice of musicians for concerts in the state: like Hydro, a-ha has been renewed over the decades and is recognized with important themes such as reforestation, recycling and citizenship .
From planning to execution, the project lasted one year and involved more than 500 professionals from Norway and Pará, as well as 100 suppliers from Paraense cities, prioritizing companies from the cities in which Hydro is present. Altogether, almost 30 thousand people participated in the two shows, more than 9 thousand children assisted by social projects were benefited by the school kits collected and more than one million people were reached in the social media of the company.
"The award proves that communication has no boundaries or barriers. No doubt it was one of the most challenging projects I could witness and that was only possible thanks to teamwork, since it brought together all areas of the company and had the unconditional support of all ", points out Anderson Baranov, director of Government Relations and Communication from Hydro, which received the award together with Communication Coordinator, Renata Freitas, during a ceremony held in São Paulo.
The Aberje Prize
Elected the most important sectorial award by the communications directors of the country's leading companies in the 2013 Map of the Brazilian Communication survey, the Aberje Award recognizes the best practices of Brazilian business communication, marking the trajectory of professionals and their organizations as protagonists in the continuous improvement of narratives Business.
The history of the Prize begins with the 1st Meeting of Editors of Newspapers and Business Magazines, held simultaneously at the 1st Exhibition of Newspapers and Business Magazines on October 8, 1967, in the city of São Paulo. 80 publishers from 54 publications participated. Since then, the award has contributed to the growth of Brazilian business communication, with the presentation of inspiring cases.
Aberje is a non-profit professional and scientific organization whose main goal is to strengthen communication in companies and institutions and dignify the role of the communicator. Founded in 1967, it unites tradition and constant search for innovation and improvement in the various areas of Communication. Its activities extend beyond the limits of the Brazilian territory with projects of relationship and exchange with countries like United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, India, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru.
Held in October 2015, the initiatives awarded by Aberje united two a-ha shows in the municipalities of Barcarena and Paragominas - where Hydro has units -, the distribution in several cities of school kits collected in exchange for tickets, an artistic project And the planting of seedlings in Hydro's reforestation area in the city of Paragominas. "These activities are part of a long-term strategy to strengthen enthusiasm and pride internally, while raising awareness and understanding about Hydro, our activities and the long-term commitment to Para," says Inger Sethov , Executive vice president of Communication and Government Relations.
The partnership with the musicians was part of Hydro's global actions, celebrating a historic turning point in 2015 with the company's 110 years, the 30th anniversary of the Albras aluminum company and the 20 years of the Hydro Alunorte refinery, both of which are based in the state of Pará. The company's positioning and identification with the band justify the choice of musicians for concerts in the state: like Hydro, a-ha has been renewed over the decades and is recognized with important themes such as reforestation, recycling and citizenship .
From planning to execution, the project lasted one year and involved more than 500 professionals from Norway and Pará, as well as 100 suppliers from Paraense cities, prioritizing companies from the cities in which Hydro is present. Altogether, almost 30 thousand people participated in the two shows, more than 9 thousand children assisted by social projects were benefited by the school kits collected and more than one million people were reached in the social media of the company.
"The award proves that communication has no boundaries or barriers. No doubt it was one of the most challenging projects I could witness and that was only possible thanks to teamwork, since it brought together all areas of the company and had the unconditional support of all ", points out Anderson Baranov, director of Government Relations and Communication from Hydro, which received the award together with Communication Coordinator, Renata Freitas, during a ceremony held in São Paulo.
The Aberje Prize
Elected the most important sectorial award by the communications directors of the country's leading companies in the 2013 Map of the Brazilian Communication survey, the Aberje Award recognizes the best practices of Brazilian business communication, marking the trajectory of professionals and their organizations as protagonists in the continuous improvement of narratives Business.
The history of the Prize begins with the 1st Meeting of Editors of Newspapers and Business Magazines, held simultaneously at the 1st Exhibition of Newspapers and Business Magazines on October 8, 1967, in the city of São Paulo. 80 publishers from 54 publications participated. Since then, the award has contributed to the growth of Brazilian business communication, with the presentation of inspiring cases.
Aberje is a non-profit professional and scientific organization whose main goal is to strengthen communication in companies and institutions and dignify the role of the communicator. Founded in 1967, it unites tradition and constant search for innovation and improvement in the various areas of Communication. Its activities extend beyond the limits of the Brazilian territory with projects of relationship and exchange with countries like United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, India, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru.

A Hydro ganhou o prêmio nacional Aberje de Comunicação Integrada pelas ações envolvendo a primeira ida da banda norueguesa a-ha ao estado do Pará. Concedido pela Associação Brasileira de Comunicação Empresarial (Aberje), o prêmio é realizado há mais de 40 anos e reconhece as melhores práticas da comunicação empresarial brasileira.
Realizadas em outubro de 2015, as iniciativas premiadas pela Aberje uniram dois shows da banda a-ha nos municípios de Barcarena e Paragominas – onde a Hydro tem unidades –, a distribuição em diversas cidades dos kits escolares arrecadados em troca de ingressos, um projeto artístico-social com crianças de Barcarena e a plantação de mudas na área de reflorestamento da Hydro na cidade de Paragominas. “Essas atividades são parte de uma estratégia de longo prazo para fortalecer o entusiasmo e orgulho internamente, ao mesmo tempo em que aumentamos a conscientização e compreensão externa sobre a Hydro, nossas atividades e o compromisso de longo prazo com o Pará”, diz Inger Sethov, vice-presidente executiva de Comunicação e Relações Governamentais.
A parceria com os músicos era parte das ações globais da Hydro, que celebrava um momento histórico em 2015 com os 110 anos da companhia, os 30 anos da companhia de alumínio Albras e os 20 anos da refinaria Hydro Alunorte, estas duas sediadas no estado do Pará. O posicionamento da empresa e a identificação com a banda justificam a escolha dos músicos para shows no estado: assim como a Hydro, o a-ha se renovou ao longo das décadas e é reconhecidamente engajado com temas importantes como reflorestamento, reciclagem e cidadania.
Do planejamento à execução, o projeto durou um ano e envolveu mais de 500 profissionais da Noruega e do Pará, além de 100 fornecedores de cidades paraenses, priorizando empresas das cidades nas quais a Hydro está presente. Ao todo, quase 30 mil pessoas participaram dos dois shows, mais de 9 mil crianças assistidas por projetos sociais foram beneficiadas pelos kits escolares arrecadados e mais de um milhão de pessoas foram alcançadas nas mídias sociais da companhia.
“O prêmio prova que a comunicação não tem fronteiras ou barreiras. Sem dúvida foi um dos projetos mais desafiadores que pude presenciar e que só foi possível graças ao trabalho em equipe, uma vez que reuniu todas as áreas da empresa e contou com o apoio incondicional de todos”, pontua Anderson Baranov, diretor de Relações Governamentais e Comunicação da Hydro, que recebeu o prêmio junto com a coordenadora de Comunicação, Renata Freitas, durante cerimônia realizada em São Paulo.
O Prêmio Aberje
Eleito o mais importante prêmio setorial pelos diretores de comunicação das principais empresas do país na pesquisa Mapa da Comunicação Brasileira 2013, o Prêmio Aberje reconhece as melhores práticas da comunicação empresarial brasileira, marcando a trajetória de profissionais e suas organizações como protagonistas do contínuo aperfeiçoamento das narrativas empresariais.
A história do Prêmio tem início com o 1º Encontro de Editores de Jornais e Revistas de Empresas, realizado simultaneamente à 1ª Exposição de Jornais e Revistas de Empresas no dia 8 de outubro de 1967, na cidade de São Paulo. Participaram 80 editores de 54 publicações. Desde então, a premiação colabora com o crescimento da comunicação empresarial brasileira, com a apresentação de cases inspiradores.
A Aberje é uma organização profissional e científica sem fins lucrativos que tem como principal objetivo fortalecer a Comunicação nas empresas e instituições e dignificar o papel do comunicador. Fundada em 1967, ela une a tradição e a busca constante por inovação e aperfeiçoamento nas diversas áreas da Comunicação. Sua atuação ultrapassa os limites do território brasileiro com projetos de relacionamento e intercâmbio com países como Estados Unidos, Canadá, Reino Unido, França, Espanha, Portugal, Alemanha, Itália, Índia, México, Argentina, Chile, Colômbia e Peru.
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