Por Fábio Lau

O menino humilde que escalou muros e preconceitos
O plantão era algo desumano: ficar plantado na porta de um condomínio na Barra da Tijuca esperando a chegada improvável de um empresário sequestrado por criminosos. Os anos 90, no campo da reportagem policial, era algo para os fortes. Um fator de seletividade entre os apaixonados ou nem tão ligados assim às coisas do jornalismo. Escalado pelo Dia, comparecia diariamente. Com meu travesseiro improvisado. A ideia era deitar, dormir e ouvir a distância o ronco dos carros e as gargalhadas dos insones. Apenas um jornalista, entre duas dúzias, mantinha-se firme, a postos, observando o interior dos carros e ligado no rádio-escuta da reportagem: Claudio Nogueira. O nosso bravo Feijão, o mais dedicado e comprometido entre todos, 28 anos depois, é demitido de O Globo. Em sua página na rede social Facebook, revela:
– Após 28 anos, 3 Olimpíadas, 1 Copa do Mundo, 5 Pan-Americanos, Mundiais de basquete e handebol, GPs de F-1, etc, fui desligado de O Globo. A justificativa: o corte de custos, que vem ocasionando demissões desde janeiro/2015. Se alguém souber de uma oportunidade, me avise, por favor. Obrigado a todos.
Cláudio, menino educado e sereno criado em São João de Meriti, na Baixada Fluminense, com o passar dos tempos caiu na editoria de Esportes. E lá é que foi premiado com algo inusitado, mas graças a alguém com origem tão simples quanto a dele.
Romário havia sido contratado pelo Flamengo em 1995. Jornalistas se digladiavam para entrevistá-lo na sua chegada ao Rio. Distante, humilde como veio ao mundo, Claudio mantinha-se sereno. Não se sentia a altura para competir com os leões do jornalismo carioca. Romário, ao notá-lo afastado daquele engalfinhamento coletivo, pediu silêncio e deu voz a ele: “Este repórter que está ali no canto. Você mesmo, negão. Você faz a primeira pergunta!” E foi assim, no seu silêncio, que Claudio Nogueira galgou aquele e outros espaços no terreno profissional.
Sua demissão é também a demissão de uma época. Não há mais espaços para simbolismos nas redações. As conquistas deste profissional, que quebrou barreiras e preconceitos, foram e são substituídas paulatinamente por outro tipo de talento – que se revelará mais adiante. Enquanto isso os amigos se despedem de Claudio Nogueira. Da sua dedicação e comprometimento. Se despedem de uma época.
fonte: http://www.conexaojornalismo.com.br/colunas/cultura/novasmidias/claudio-nogueira,-referencia-do-jornalismo-carioca,-e-demitido-de-o-globo-67-42138
One of the biggest Brazilian sports journalists and great Brazilian KORFEBOL partner is dismissed from the newspaper the Globe

Claudio Nogueira interviewing the greatest sprinter of all time
Usain Bolt
The humble boy who climbed walls and prejudices
The duty was something inhuman: be planted outside a condominium in Barra da Tijuca waiting for the unlikely arrival of a businessman kidnapped by criminals. 90 years in the field of police report, it was something for the strong. A factor of selectivity among passionate or not so well connected to the things of journalism. Scaled by day, attended daily. With my makeshift pillow. The idea was to lie down, sleep and listen to the distance the roar of cars and the laughter of sleepless. Only one journalist, among two dozen, remained firm, ready, watching the interior of the car and turned on the radio listening to the story: Claudio Nogueira. Our brave beans, the most dedicated and committed of all, 28 years later, is fired from O Globo. On his page on the social network Facebook, reveals:
- After 28 years, 3 Olympic Games, 1 World Cup, 5 Pan American, World basketball and handball, F-1 GP, etc, went off to O Globo. The reason: cost cutting, which has caused layoffs since January / 2015. If anyone knows of a chance, let me know, please. Thank you all.
Claudio, polite and quiet boy raised in St. Johns Wood, in the Baixada Fluminense, with the passage of time fell into the editorship of Sports. And there is that something unusual was awarded, but thanks to someone with such humble origins as his.
Romario had been hired by Flamengo in 1995. Journalists digladiavam to interview him on his arrival in Rio. Distant, humble as it came into the world, Claudio remained serene. I did not feel the height to compete with Lions Carioca journalism. Romario, to notice him away from that collective engalfinhamento, called for silence and gave voice to it: "This reporter over there in the corner. Yourself, nigga. You make the first question! "And so, in his silence, that Claudio Nogueira climbed that and other spaces in the professional field.
His resignation is also the dismissal of an era. There is no more room for symbolism in the newsroom. The achievements of this professional, who broke down barriers and prejudices, were and are gradually replaced by another type of talent - that will be revealed later. Meanwhile friends say goodbye to Claudio Nogueira. Their dedication and commitment. They say goodbye to an era.
The humble boy who climbed walls and prejudices
The duty was something inhuman: be planted outside a condominium in Barra da Tijuca waiting for the unlikely arrival of a businessman kidnapped by criminals. 90 years in the field of police report, it was something for the strong. A factor of selectivity among passionate or not so well connected to the things of journalism. Scaled by day, attended daily. With my makeshift pillow. The idea was to lie down, sleep and listen to the distance the roar of cars and the laughter of sleepless. Only one journalist, among two dozen, remained firm, ready, watching the interior of the car and turned on the radio listening to the story: Claudio Nogueira. Our brave beans, the most dedicated and committed of all, 28 years later, is fired from O Globo. On his page on the social network Facebook, reveals:
- After 28 years, 3 Olympic Games, 1 World Cup, 5 Pan American, World basketball and handball, F-1 GP, etc, went off to O Globo. The reason: cost cutting, which has caused layoffs since January / 2015. If anyone knows of a chance, let me know, please. Thank you all.
Claudio, polite and quiet boy raised in St. Johns Wood, in the Baixada Fluminense, with the passage of time fell into the editorship of Sports. And there is that something unusual was awarded, but thanks to someone with such humble origins as his.
Romario had been hired by Flamengo in 1995. Journalists digladiavam to interview him on his arrival in Rio. Distant, humble as it came into the world, Claudio remained serene. I did not feel the height to compete with Lions Carioca journalism. Romario, to notice him away from that collective engalfinhamento, called for silence and gave voice to it: "This reporter over there in the corner. Yourself, nigga. You make the first question! "And so, in his silence, that Claudio Nogueira climbed that and other spaces in the professional field.
His resignation is also the dismissal of an era. There is no more room for symbolism in the newsroom. The achievements of this professional, who broke down barriers and prejudices, were and are gradually replaced by another type of talent - that will be revealed later. Meanwhile friends say goodbye to Claudio Nogueira. Their dedication and commitment. They say goodbye to an era.
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