No jornal “Folha de S.Paulo”, o jornalista Marcelo Coelho mostrou-se entusiasmado com a possibilidade de extinção da disciplina Educação Física.
Na proposta de reforma do Ensino Médio, o MEC sugere o término da obrigatoriedade da Educação Física.
As lembranças de aulas de Educação Física quando menino foram traumatizantes para Marcelo Coelho e ele vê com entusiasmo o castigo que essa disciplina faria por merecer.
Fala do assunto como se praticasse uma tardia vingança.
Passei por algo parecido quando fazia Educação Física na escola.
Ao contrário do jornalista, recuperei-me do trauma, formei-me professor e tive a oportunidade de participar da construção de um modo de fazer Educação Física que tornou aquela que ele viveu peça de arqueologia, embora ainda existam, entre os professores dessa disciplina, remanescentes do período das cavernas.
Tive experiências igualmente traumatizantes com a Matemática, aprendi a odiá-la por algum tempo, e nem por isso me manifestaria com júbilo caso ela fosse ameaçada de extinção; quando muito torceria para que, de maneira geral, os professores de Matemática humanizassem sua pedagogia.
Maior trauma sofri, no entanto, com a escola de modo geral.
Menino louco por brincadeiras, trancaram-me em salas de aula, imobilizado em carteiras, sem espaço para me mexer, conversar, rir ou chorar durante anos e anos.
Todos passamos por essa clausura, impedidos que fomos de ser crianças ou adolescentes.
E nem por isso me entusiasmo com a ideia da extinção da escola. Sou educador e trabalho todos os dias por uma Educação Física melhor e por uma escola melhor.
O texto do aclamado jornalista Marcelo Coelho, de quem sou leitor e a quem muito respeito, seria menos grave não fosse ele o formador de opinião que é.
Deveria ter consultado pessoas confiáveis da área antes de escrever o que escreveu.
Testemunhei, ao longo de minha vida, reportagens catastróficas, indignei-me com manchetes de tabloides, mas não me aventuraria a sugerir medidas para o jornalismo antes de consultar os bons jornalistas.
Não é de hoje que a Educação Física é ameaçada.
Até porque essa negação vai além da Educação Física.
Durante doze anos de escolaridade, crianças e adolescentes são encarceradas em espaços reduzidos de meio metro quadrado, quatro horas por dia, duzentos dias por ano, num total de 9600 horas de seus melhores anos de vida.
Isso é exclusão, numa época em que tanto se fala em inclusão.
Exclusão do corpo. O corpo não pode ter vez na escola, porque ele nos amedronta, ele cede aos vícios, ele se degrada, ele morre, e não queremos esse destino para nós.
Mas ele também é a fonte da felicidade; daí a ansiedade das crianças para sair da sala e ir para a aula de Educação Física.
O medo do fim nos leva a negar o corpo, é preciso fazer de conta que ele é uma outra entidade diferente de nós.
Mas isso não é possível. Não podemos nos livrar do corpo, porque seria o mesmo que nos livrarmos de nós mesmos. O corpo somos nós, enquanto perdurar esta vida. E uma criança não pode viver como se não fosse corpo, como se não fosse criança.
Assim como um adolescente, exatamente num período de vida de tão grandes transformações físicas, não pode viver negando que é corpo. É disso que se trata. Queremos fazer de conta que poderemos nos livrar do corpo para sobreviver ao seu suposto destino final.
Marcelo Coelho alinha-se a essa ideia quando afirma seu entusiasmo pela extinção da Educação Física.
Antes, ele deveria conhecer o que foi construído em nossa área dos anos 1980 para cá. E até mesmo antes disso, se estudasse os belos trabalhos de nossos pioneiros Inezil Pena Marinho, Fernando Azevedo, Oswaldo Diniz ou Alfredo Colombo.
Não se trata, saiba o ilustre jornalista, de ser o esporte ou as brincadeiras os conteúdos mais ou menos adequados. Trata-se de projetos educacionais, de projetos de vida, que carecem de sentido sem a orientação do método adequado ou de uma pedagogia humanizante. Pena ele não ter nos perguntado antes de se entusiasmar com nossa extinção. Teríamos carradas de exemplos de uma Educação Física que ele não teve a felicidade de conhecer.
O espaço é pequeno para indicar trabalhos notáveis feitos atualmente por professores e professoras extremamente competentes. Poderíamos descrever projetos muito bons que tornam nossos alunos adolescentes protagonistas de projetos para atuar com a dança, com os esportes na natureza, com esportes radicais, com o conhecimento do próprio corpo, com os primeiros socorros e cuidados com a saúde, com as discussões de gênero, com as drogas, o racismo e a homofobia.
Há uma vasta cultura de jogos e exercícios, o que inclui o esporte, a dança, as lutas, o circo, as ginásticas, as brincadeiras populares, entre tantas manifestações do exercício e do lúdico, que nossos jovens precisam aprender a praticar e a compreender, o que jamais será feito caso seja decretada nossa extinção.
Marcelo Coelho exultou com nosso fim. Nós, ao contrário, queremos para ele vida longa, pois precisamos, mais que nunca, de seu bom jornalismo.
*João Batista Freire é professor Livre Docente aposentado da Unicamp, além de ter trabalhado na USP e na Universidade Federal da Paraíba e na Universidade Estadual de Santa Catarina, e autor de diversos livros sobre Educação Física e Esporte.
In the newspaper "Folha de S.Paulo", the journalist Marcelo Coelho proved enthusiastic about the possibility of extinction of Physical Education.
In high school reform proposal, MEC suggests the end of compulsory physical education.
The memories of physical education classes as a boy were traumatizing to Marcelo Coelho and he sees with enthusiasm the punishment that this discipline would earn it.
the subject speaks as if practiced a late revenge.
I went through something similar when doing physical education at school.
Unlike a journalist, I recovered from the trauma, I graduated teacher and had the opportunity to participate in building a way to make physical education that made that he lived piece of archeology, although there are still among the teachers of this discipline, remaining period of the caves.
I also traumatizing experiences with mathematics, learned to hate her for some time, and not so manifest me with joy if it were endangered; when I wring much so that, in general, Mathematics teachers humanise his pedagogy.
Major trauma suffered, however, with the general school.
boy crazy for games, they locked me in classrooms, assets in portfolios, with no room to move, talk, laugh or cry for years and years.
We all go through this enclosure, we were prevented from being children or adolescents.
And not so me enthusiasm for the idea of school extinction. I am an educator and work every day for a better physical education and a better school.
The text of the acclaimed journalist Marcelo Coelho, who I am and the player who a lot of respect, it would be less severe but him the opinion leader it is.
I should have consulted reliable people in the area before writing what he wrote.
Witnessed over my life, catastrophic reports, was angry with tabloid headlines, but did not venture to suggest measures to journalism before consulting the good journalists.
It is not today that physical education is threatened.
Especially because this denial goes beyond physical education.
For twelve years of schooling, children and adolescents are incarcerated in small spaces of half a square meter, four hours a day, two hundred days a year, a total of 9600 hours of his best years.
This is exclusion, at a time when so much is said in inclusion.
Body exclusion. The body may not have time in school, because it frightens us, he gives in to addictions, it degrades, it dies, and we do not want this fate for us.
But it is also the source of happiness; hence the anxiety of children to leave the room and go to gym class.
The fear of the end leads us to deny the body, it is necessary to pretend that it's another different entity from us.
But this is not possible. We can not get rid of the body, because it would be the same as we get rid of ourselves. The body we are, for as long as this life. And a child can not live as if it was the body, as if it were child.
As a teenager, just a lifetime of such great physical, can not live in denial it's body. It is what it is. We want to pretend that we can get rid of the body to survive its alleged final destination.
Marcelo Coelho aligns to this idea when he says his enthusiasm for the extinction of Physical Education.
Rather, he should know what has been built in our area from the 1980s here. And even before that, if I studied the beautiful works of our pioneers Inezil Marinho Pena, Fernando Azevedo, Oswaldo Diniz or Alfredo Colombo.
This is not, know the distinguished journalist, to be the sport or play more or less appropriate content. It is educational, life projects, which are meaningless without the guidance of the appropriate method or a humanizing pedagogy. Pity he has not asked us before we get excited about our extinction. We would have boatloads of examples of Physical Education he did not have the happiness to know.
The space is small to indicate notable works currently made by highly competent teachers and teachers. We could describe very good projects that make our students adolescent protagonists projects to work with dance, with sports in nature, with extreme sports, with the knowledge of the body, with first aid and health care, with discussions of genre with drugs, racism and homophobia.
There is a vast culture of games and exercises, including sport, dance, fights, the circus, the gymnastics, popular games, among many manifestations of exercise and playful, that our young people need to learn to practice and understand , which it will never be done if ordered our extinction.
Marcelo Coelho exulted in our end. We, instead, want him long life, because we need more than ever, its good journalism.
* João Batista Freire teaches Free Retired Teacher Unicamp, and has worked at USP and the Federal University of Paraíba and the State University of Santa Catarina, and author of several books on Physical Education and Sport.
In high school reform proposal, MEC suggests the end of compulsory physical education.
The memories of physical education classes as a boy were traumatizing to Marcelo Coelho and he sees with enthusiasm the punishment that this discipline would earn it.
the subject speaks as if practiced a late revenge.
I went through something similar when doing physical education at school.
Unlike a journalist, I recovered from the trauma, I graduated teacher and had the opportunity to participate in building a way to make physical education that made that he lived piece of archeology, although there are still among the teachers of this discipline, remaining period of the caves.
I also traumatizing experiences with mathematics, learned to hate her for some time, and not so manifest me with joy if it were endangered; when I wring much so that, in general, Mathematics teachers humanise his pedagogy.
Major trauma suffered, however, with the general school.
boy crazy for games, they locked me in classrooms, assets in portfolios, with no room to move, talk, laugh or cry for years and years.
We all go through this enclosure, we were prevented from being children or adolescents.
And not so me enthusiasm for the idea of school extinction. I am an educator and work every day for a better physical education and a better school.
The text of the acclaimed journalist Marcelo Coelho, who I am and the player who a lot of respect, it would be less severe but him the opinion leader it is.
I should have consulted reliable people in the area before writing what he wrote.
Witnessed over my life, catastrophic reports, was angry with tabloid headlines, but did not venture to suggest measures to journalism before consulting the good journalists.
It is not today that physical education is threatened.
Especially because this denial goes beyond physical education.
For twelve years of schooling, children and adolescents are incarcerated in small spaces of half a square meter, four hours a day, two hundred days a year, a total of 9600 hours of his best years.
This is exclusion, at a time when so much is said in inclusion.
Body exclusion. The body may not have time in school, because it frightens us, he gives in to addictions, it degrades, it dies, and we do not want this fate for us.
But it is also the source of happiness; hence the anxiety of children to leave the room and go to gym class.
The fear of the end leads us to deny the body, it is necessary to pretend that it's another different entity from us.
But this is not possible. We can not get rid of the body, because it would be the same as we get rid of ourselves. The body we are, for as long as this life. And a child can not live as if it was the body, as if it were child.
As a teenager, just a lifetime of such great physical, can not live in denial it's body. It is what it is. We want to pretend that we can get rid of the body to survive its alleged final destination.
Marcelo Coelho aligns to this idea when he says his enthusiasm for the extinction of Physical Education.
Rather, he should know what has been built in our area from the 1980s here. And even before that, if I studied the beautiful works of our pioneers Inezil Marinho Pena, Fernando Azevedo, Oswaldo Diniz or Alfredo Colombo.
This is not, know the distinguished journalist, to be the sport or play more or less appropriate content. It is educational, life projects, which are meaningless without the guidance of the appropriate method or a humanizing pedagogy. Pity he has not asked us before we get excited about our extinction. We would have boatloads of examples of Physical Education he did not have the happiness to know.
The space is small to indicate notable works currently made by highly competent teachers and teachers. We could describe very good projects that make our students adolescent protagonists projects to work with dance, with sports in nature, with extreme sports, with the knowledge of the body, with first aid and health care, with discussions of genre with drugs, racism and homophobia.
There is a vast culture of games and exercises, including sport, dance, fights, the circus, the gymnastics, popular games, among many manifestations of exercise and playful, that our young people need to learn to practice and understand , which it will never be done if ordered our extinction.
Marcelo Coelho exulted in our end. We, instead, want him long life, because we need more than ever, its good journalism.
* João Batista Freire teaches Free Retired Teacher Unicamp, and has worked at USP and the Federal University of Paraíba and the State University of Santa Catarina, and author of several books on Physical Education and Sport.
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